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CPR and rescue breath manikin
Slightly more advanced manikin including cut and taped PET bottles, cardboard and a plumbing tube
Read more →Homemade toilet roll CPR trainer
Simple DIY model made of toilet paper rolls and a jar lid
Read more →Homemade towel and toilet roll mannequin
Simple DIY model made of a toilet paper roll, a T-shirt and a towel
Read more →PET-bottle manikin
Simple DIY model made by stuffing a T-shirt with a PET bottle and styrofoam. Overlap with T-shirt manikin.
Read more →DIY ALT
A foam dice for compressions, with a separate plastic bag used for ventilation practice
Read more →DIY T-shirt CPR manikin
Simple DIY CPR manikin made by stuffing a T-shirt or hoodie with a PET bottle and filling materials (paper, shirts, etc.)
Read more →Threepenny manikin
Slightly more advanced manikin including a spring, wooden discs, a balloon and PET bottles
Read more →Home-made ventilation manikin
Simple mechanism using a plastic bag, a book and a big plastic bottle
Read more →Clothing manikin with additions
Advanced manikin that simulates blood flow, made from a clothing display manikin
Read more →Pinokkio
Intricate mechanism with a handmade valve, involving a hot water bottle and a piece of garden hose.
Read more →Virtual Reality with pillow
Virtual reality option involving a smartphone, VR set and a pillow.
Read more →Footballs
A simple soccer ball can be used for CPR practice if it is buried halfway in the sand.
Read more →DIY plunger CPR manikin
Manikin made from a plunger, large piece of plastic, a lid and a homemade plaster head
Read more →Virtual trainer
Interactive cloth printed with a life-sized manikin, use of webcam TV for instruction and feedback.
Read more →Printable torso
Sometimes, the DIY CPR manikins don’t look like a human body at all, and it is difficult to pretend they are an unconscious person you want to resuscitate. To support you with your training, we have created a manikin torso in A3 format for you. It should help you and/or your students to better understand the situation and to find the right pressure point for the compressions.
Click here to download the PDF, print it out and place your DIY CPR manikin on it or use it to visualize the most important things related to CPR during your training.