DIY female manikin
A simple adaptation to turn existing manikins into female versions.
DIY plunger CPR manikin
Manikin made from a plunger, large piece of plastic, a lid and a homemade plaster head
KNOW CPR kitset
Commercially available kit set with a free smartphone app
Professionally designed cardboard and paper kit set
Clothing manikin with additions
Advanced manikin that simulates blood flow, made from a clothing display manikin
Threepenny manikin
Slightly more advanced manikin including a spring, wooden discs, a balloon and PET bottles
Bathmat manikin
Homemade option using a bath mat, pillow and theatre mask
A foam dice for compressions, with a separate plastic bag used for ventilation practice
CPR and rescue breath manikin
Slightly more advanced manikin including cut and taped PET bottles, cardboard and a plumbing tube